
As we age, our bodies begin to change. One of these  changes is in our appearances, and this is one change that many of us worry about. Skin is the largest organ in our bodies, and as we age,  individual components of our skin begin to weaken and go through degradation. Oxidants, environmental pollutants, temperature, and other factors all participate in this wear and tear that results in the wrinkles and aging look of our skin.

Modern advances in knowledge, more specifically, cosmeceutical sciences, have enabled us to combat this natural process of aging, so that you can keep as much as possible the look that you want and to which you  have grown accustomed. Your pharmacist at Commissioners Pharmacy is an expert in the application of this science, and has the ability to empower you to overcome the aging process. Working with your physician, our pharmacists can individualise and tailor the product that is best for you. Products are made for everything including:

+ Facial rejuvenation 
+ Skin-whitening 
+ Anti-oxidants,  
+ Moisturisers,  
+ Anti-wrinkling agents and much more. 

While some products require a prescription, some very efficacious products, like Chrysaderm Day, and Chrysaderm night, are available without a prescription.

Stop in  today and talk with your pharmacist about your needs and your health. Alternatively, call the pharmacy, or send an e-mail to the pharmacist.

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